Saturday, October 15, 2011

MShed event report

What a fantastic evening! The MShed is an incredible venue and proved popular as ever last night. Hundreds of new PG students showed up for the PG Reception event. First, we were treated to a walk around the exhibit halls, then upstairs for free drinks. the Student's Union were present in full force and gave a series of talks. All evening, the sound of jazz filled the air thanks to the live band.
The room was packed for the series of welcome talks.

The Arts PG Forum's Wendy Sijnesael shares details of this year's plans.

The spectacular night-time view of Bristol from the MShed.

We were really happy to hear that students from across all faculties were interested in getting involved. Don't forget to attend our first event 4pm 28th Oct. to get some tips on presentation skills! (The venue will be confirmed soon - check back here or on Facebook for updates)

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